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Monday, August 29, 2011

Pros of trees …

“He plants trees to benefit another generation”, by Caecilius Statius.
Absorbs Carbon Dioxide and releases 
Oxygen into our air
Prevents or reduces soil erosion & water pollution
Helps recharge ground water in turn improves water quality
Decrease noise pollution

Trees add beauty and grace. They make life more enjoyable, peaceful, relaxing & offer a  rich inheritence for future generations. Call to preview this home for sale… Sue Tinnen with Tinnen Real Estate (816-930-3600) (4 bedroom, 2 baths and under $100K in Plattsburg.)

Landscaping, especially with trees, can increase property values.
Trees help cool your home and neighborhood, break the cold winds to lower your heating costs, and provide food for wildlife. This home presented by Lynn Gambrell of RE/MAX of k.c. (816-405-5442/816-453-7400) (3 bedroom,  1.5 baths and a large wooded lot… $95,000 in Gladstone. )


  1. I love trees. I couldn't agree with you more about how great they are, how we plant them as presents for our progeny and clean the air all the while.

    One counter-thought though is to remember to plan your tree planting. I LOVE oak trees, but would never plant them next to a driveway or sidewalk because they'd just bust up our lesser mortal efforts, then we'd cut their roots, then they'd die and fall on our driveways or homes. The motto I hear from arborists is "plant the right tree in the right place". Put the pecan in your quarter acre backyard, put a redwood in your front lawn. :)

  2. What great advice .. Thank you so much :)
