I remember the years of Bonne Belle's Lip Smackers with all those great scents: Watermelon, Dr. Pepper, Strawberry. My preteen years were spent slathering these collectibles over my lips. You would think I never had dry lips over those years. So not the case, my lips constantly craved the balm. A couple of years later in Europe I discovered a great textured lip balm in a cool rounded tube package: LABELLO. Being young, I had no idea that this smooth "gold" lip tube was not sold in the United States. I bought a couple of flavors and headed back to the States with my new discovery.
The Labello tubes last a few months and my lips felt great. Once used to it's tiny nub, I visited our local drug store and the clerk's blank stare alarmed me. Being blessed during my young adult years, my travels allowed multiple purchases of Labello. Sadly, my travelling days ended and my lips suffered from the loss of my friend, Labello.
Over the years, some of my dear friends would present a tube or two from their travels. I enjoyed maintaining a connection with Labello sampling Passion Fruit and Green Apple. My luck changes when I turn forty-four while wandering the aisles of CVS in Kansas City. I discover an old friend with a different name, Nivea. Their entire line still unattainable in the States; However, my lips adore the limited line: A Kiss of Flavor - Cherry, A Kiss of Moisture, Sunblock, and A Kiss of Shimmer ($2.59 per tube).
- The life of the tube... long lasting
- The moisture on the lips... long lasting
- Smooth lips... long lasting
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